Reviewing your showround processes

Wedding Venue Showround & Viewing Advice

Wedding Venue Showround & Viewing Advice

There’s nothing like seeing a venue in person but we are finding that couples are being much more conscientious when making decisions on shortlisting where they view and are really only committing to a viewing or showround once they have done their research and chosen their favourite ‘2 or 3’.

So as a venue, when you’ve done all the hard work to attract their enquiry and then get them to say yes to a showround you then want to make sure you really shine and stand the best chance of converting their business and them choosing you.  Here are 5 simple but effective tips to check that your wedding venue’s showround is matching up.

There is no rush 

Give couples the time they deserve to absorb everything about you as a venue. You work in your venue each day so some of the magic of the first view of such a space is lost. Avoid conducting the showround with speed, this doesn’t always allow the couple an opportunity to stand and really appreciate who you are, allowing them time to digest and at the end ask the relevant questions.

Kelly Chandler inviting you in for a wedding venue showround.

The story 

It may sound obvious, but be sure to point out not just the key areas and what they are used for in a logistical sense (although this is really important) but you need to bring things to life with showing them how the spaces can look and feel. Point out key historical and precious features that are amazing for them to know about and potentially to dress or take photos in front of.  Keep the history short and factual but interesting.  We all love a bit of info on famous guests or quirky happenings and humour so try to inject this and tell the stories that make your venue memorable.

Making the most of your outstanding photographic features

Every couple cares about photos to some extent – so where in your venue is an obvious backdrop or amazing feature? Make sure you highlight this at each and every showround. Seek your professional photographer’s opinions on where they like to shoot best, what the light does at different times of year etc as they are the ones who eat, breathe and sleep your venue visually. Share this knowledge with your potential couples.

Luxury outdoor wedding with bride and groom | Kelly Chandler Consulting

Bring it to life 

The tablet is the tool to bring your venue to life. In the case of many of your spaces, they will not be set for wedding ceremonies or dining when couples visit so bring your tablet around on the tour to be able to show your spaces with alternative room setups, demonstrating how versatile your areas can be and more importantly to help couples visualise how their celebration can be.

Plan your route beforehand so you can take them on a logical journey from space to space (from wedding ceremony to drinks reception to evening party) it can be really helpful to move as the wedding guests will on the day and help your couples to feel at home in your space and see how it will work for them.

Couple enjoying the wedding venue showround debrief.

And finally – enjoy and smile  warmth and enthusiasm for their celebration goes a long way to building rapport with your couples and making your places and spaces friendly and welcoming.

If you’re an established venue and you’d like to breathe some new life into your showround process, let’s have a chat about helping you via my Fresh Eyes Audit

Image credits:  Giant Invitations //  Health Central //  Charlotte Webb Photography //  Made-In-Italy //  Your London Wedding //  Unsplash

Kelly is an events industry professional of 25 years having previously planned weddings (often 6-figure) for over 150 discerning global couples. 

A Wedding Venue Business Consultant to many of the UK’s finest Stately Homes, private houses and diversified farms, Kelly supports land and property owners to thrive by generating sustainable profit from hosting weddings.

A live-long learner and personal development devotee, she’s also a Master Coach & Success Coach to high-achievers.

Being endlessly curious about the power of the mind and neuroscience, she’s passionate about unlocking, unblocking and championing the potential of her fellow bold business-leader clients.

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