Wedding Spaces Going Places Live Virtual 2020
Course Instructor
Virtual Place at Wedding Spaces Going Places Live
Wedding Spaces Going Places LITE Recording

Welcome and introduction to getting the best from today

How to use Pinterest to get more eyeballs on your wedding venue with Becca Pountney, Engage Weddings

Mastering the art of storytelling to create your own compelling blog and marketing content with Jen Feroze, Jackdaw Editorial

How to smash your venue’s showround and win those wedding sales with Kelly Chandler

Converting the wedding sale in Covid-times – Your Success Strategies with Kelly Chandler

How culture friendly is your venue? Essential aspects to consider with Vaishali Shah, Culturally Minded

Putting together a micro/intimate wedding offer that sells with Emma Hla, Coco Wedding Venues

Marriage Law Changes. What’s likely and how does your venue prepare? Interview with Jennifer Constant, The Celebrant Directory