10 Things to do whilst the doors to your wedding venue are closed to keep your business moving forwards
Be Kind To Yourself We’re all going through a very tough time at the minute. Let’s be honest - you’re having to be a calm, compassionate, professional trying to find 'Plan B' options for your devastated couples. Some are taking it OK and being lovely, some not so much and you’re taking the brunt. This doesn’t even factor in how you are feeling personally re Covid-19, worrying about vulnerable family...
Covid-19 – Taking positive actions as a wedding venue
We might not want to think of or deal with Covid-19, but none of us are escaping the clutches of coronavirus right now. This week in particular things have ramped up within the wedding industry as some venues are hearing from customers needing to seriously consider postponement of their wedding. I felt it time to write with what I hope is practical advice for you venues. This advice is not...
Knitting It All Together – Completing the Whole Picture to Secure that Wedding Booking
It’s a competitive wedding world out there, this I don’t need to remind you. To really stand out you need to promise an experience, something exceptional. In short, great more than good, in order to secure that wedding booking. You may have your venue’s wedding day offering clear but (and this is something I see a lot in my private consulting), do you have the WHOLE wedding schedule mapped out...
The event dedicated to supercharging the success of ambitious wedding venues. I’m usually a keen writer. But, there's an extra spring in my pen (or rather steam from the keyboard) as I have the pleasure of telling the story of what happened at Wedding Spaces Going Places LIVE last month. I feel fortunate to have the most stunning light-filled images from the talented Terri, of Terri and Lori. These images...
The importance of your in-house wedding co-ordinator
It never ceases to amaze me how undervalued in-house wedding coordinators and wedding managers can be by their employers, considering the extent of their dedication to their role. The wedding department is so often seen as the ‘little sister’ department to room sales or corporate events. Meaning that less investment is made in wedding marketing. It often falls to the wedding coordinator. Therefore, not only do they have to wear...
Powering up for quarter 4
I don’t know about you but the older I get the more I love autumn. Bright sunny days, the changing colour of the trees, the opportunity to unpack my boots and don snuggly knitwear, and most of all, the start of autumn feels like a chance to reboot, refocus and make the most of the rest of the year. With that in mind, I thought I’d share some strategies (that...
Should our venue list with Wedding Directories? The ‘why’ and ‘how’ for the best ROI
Prepare yourself for what I promise you will be a really insightful and practical read. If working with third party wedding directories has ever been, is or is likely to be a strategy for you (or even if you’re not convinced) then I urge you to read this thorough explanation of the why, and how investing with the right third party directory/s for your venue is a super valuable marketing...
Wedding Season – Looking After Your Couples and Looking After You
Wedding season is most definitely here. I’ve only got to have a quick scroll through my Instagram feed to know that you wedding venue hosts are pulling out all the stops delivering those beautiful summer weddings. I’ve been seeing flooring going down, tipi builds going up, bar units installed, painting and repairs finished this spring and of course stunning images of wedding guests being hosted and spoiled this past few...
From a Bride’s Perspective – Interview with Eleanor about her venue searching experience
If you’re a regular to our blog, then you will have been reading Eleanor’s features over the past few months as she shares with us her experience and advice to venues as a millennial bride-in-the-planning, marrying in July this year. In today’s feature I put some questions to Eleanor, seeking to dive deep into how she and her fiancé found their wedding venue, what things were vital to them with...