Let’s Talk!

Building Your Wedding Venue Team

Building Your Wedding Venue Team

Today’s blog is all about the need for venues seeking success in the wedding world to talk, share and collaborate with each other for best results.

Talk to the competition?  Really? Yes, really!

I know it works and has tremendous results in so many other parts of the overall wedding industry.  Wedding planners by definition tend to be naturally sociable and working pretty much as a solo-preneurs, there’s always been a real need for sharing and gaining encouragement & support from others.  Our industry body – the UK Alliance of Wedding Planners has made huge strides in creating a supportive network of independent wedding planners and I regularly see so much collaboration on inspiring new projects, launches of new ventures, sharing of resource, ideas, frustrations and client work.

How to improve your wedding venue | Kelly Chandler ConsultingHow to improve your wedding venue | Kelly Chandler Consulting

Yet it seems that in general venues hosting weddings don’t seem to talk to each other at all. I know this because most venues I host industry events with seem surprised that we planners all know (and indeed like) each other and also said venues so often have very little idea what their competition or perceived competition are doing.  In the wedding market training days I run, one of the key benefits students report from attending the day is not only the valuable content but the chance to meet and share ideas with colleagues in other venues facing the same challenges and seeking the same success.

How to improve your wedding venue | Kelly Chandler ConsultingHow to improve your wedding venue | Kelly Chandler ConsultingHow to improve your wedding venue | Kelly Chandler Consulting

But surely you’ll be giving the game away? I disagree wholeheartedly and I’m not the only one – just as wedding planners are unique and chosen by and large on personality and personal fit, clients choosing a wedding venue are choosing with their heart and not their heads – they are not comparing directly on price and a tick list of specific facilities but they are seeking the venue that just has their names written on it – in many cases this will be made up of a combination of factors such as the size, layout of the venue, availability date, facilities, timings, capacities, service and more – your venue is unique as are the people in it and there is so much more benefit to be gained from collaborating with and supporting other venues, where you can each look out for the other and help each other with joint initiatives, with client referrals and much more,  than in turning your back and isolating yourself.

View More: http://stubebb.pass.us/weddingswaddesdonHow to improve your wedding venue | Kelly Chandler ConsultingHow to improve your wedding venue | Kelly Chandler Consulting

I know you’re busy but small efforts are better than none at all – it’s so easy these days to open up the start of a professional relationship on social media. Go on, get talking  …. you know you want to!

Please do get in touch if you want to discuss our bespoke consulting advice relevant to your venue.

Photo Credits:
Rachel V // Hannah Duffy // Joe Short // Stuart Bebb// Fetcham Park, Surrey (featured image)

Kelly is an events industry professional of 25 years having previously planned weddings (often 6-figure) for over 150 discerning global couples. 

A Wedding Venue Business Consultant to many of the UK’s finest Stately Homes, private houses and diversified farms, Kelly supports land and property owners to thrive by generating sustainable profit from hosting weddings.

A live-long learner and personal development devotee, she’s also a Master Coach & Success Coach to high-achievers.

Being endlessly curious about the power of the mind and neuroscience, she’s passionate about unlocking, unblocking and championing the potential of her fellow bold business-leader clients.

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