Nobody likes to be sold to yet more of us like to buy.
Understanding your customer and how they think is key so that you can serve them what they want, need or desire.
The wedding industry moves at super speed; this session bring you up to date on the unique psychology and thinking of couples specifically with regards to wedding planning.
It uncovers in detail key generational traits and how that presents as a typical customer firstly of Millennials. It covers how that is evolving and changing with younger Gen Z couples becoming wedding decision makers and purchasers. It also discusses major challenges of doing business in the current macro environment so that you gain an understanding of client concerns, behaviour and potential blockers that you can work on swerving or tackling in how you present and deliver your customer sales journey.
This training is designed so that you have the knowledge to be able to shape your offerings, processes and approach to selling to help you sell and deliver weddings with greater ease and enjoyment.
Once purchased, the Customer Psychology Training session is yours for lifetime access with unlimited access for your venue’s team + access to any updates and edits developed over time.
Any questions and for details of adding a 1 hour chargeable live Q&A session please email